Past Tenses
website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations

putting into action synonyms

Trying to find another word for putting into action in English? No problem. Our thesaurus contains synonyms of putting into action in 46 different contexts. We have listed all the similar and related words for putting into action alphabetically.

  • acquire
  • gain
  • get
  • obtain
  • secure
  • take
  • welcome
  • accept
  • adapt
  • affiliate
  • affirm
  • appropriate
  • approve
  • assent
  • assume
  • borrow
  • embrace
  • endorse
  • espouse
  • follow
  • go down the line
  • go in for
  • imitate
  • maintain
  • mimic
  • opt
  • ratify
  • administer
  • assign
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • employ
  • engage
  • execute
  • exercise
  • exploit
  • handle
  • implement
  • practice
  • utilize
  • exploit
  • gain
  • make capital of
  • obtain
  • profit
  • realize
  • subsidize
  • take advantage of
  • accord
  • apportion
  • award
  • bequeath
  • come through
  • commit
  • confer
  • devote
  • donate
  • entrust
  • favor
  • gift
  • give away
  • grant
  • hand out
  • honor with
  • impart
  • kick in
  • lavish
  • offer
  • call into play
  • draw on
  • draw upon
  • impress
  • muster
  • press into service
  • recruit
  • set in motion
  • apply
  • bring forward
  • come forward
  • draw a parallel
  • make available
  • offer
  • proffer
  • put forward
  • relate to
  • avail oneself of
  • exploit
  • gain
  • make capital of
  • obtain
  • profit
  • realize
  • subsidize
  • take advantage of
  • ascendancy
  • authority
  • bridle
  • charge
  • check
  • clout
  • containment
  • curb
  • determination
  • direction
  • discipline
  • domination
  • dominion
  • driver's seat
  • force
  • government
  • guidance
  • inside track
  • juice
  • jurisdiction
  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • do
  • do well enough
  • endure
  • fare
  • flourish
  • get along
  • get on
  • manage
  • muddle through
  • prosper
  • score
  • thrive
  • effect
  • employ
  • exploit
  • extract
  • fall back on
  • have recourse to
  • make use of
  • rely on
  • require
  • take from
  • apply
  • bestow
  • bring to bear
  • engage
  • exercise
  • exert
  • exploit
  • fill
  • handle
  • keep busy
  • manipulate
  • occupy
  • operate
  • put to use
  • spend
  • take up
  • use
  • use up
  • utilize
  • act
  • action
  • activity
  • calisthenics
  • constitutional
  • daily dozen
  • discharge
  • discipline
  • drill
  • drilling
  • examination
  • exercising
  • exertion
  • gym
  • labor
  • lesson
  • movement
  • occupation
  • operation
  • performance
  • apply
  • apply oneself
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • dig
  • employ
  • endeavor
  • exercise
  • expend
  • give all one's got
  • give best shot
  • labor
  • make effort
  • peg away
  • plug
  • ply
  • pour it on
  • push
  • put forth
  • put out
  • bankrupt
  • burn out
  • conk out
  • cripple
  • debilitate
  • disable
  • do in
  • drain
  • draw
  • enervate
  • enfeeble
  • fag
  • fatigue
  • frazzle
  • impoverish
  • overdo
  • overexert
  • overextend
  • overfatigue
  • overtire
  • ante up
  • blow
  • consume
  • disburse
  • dish out
  • dispense
  • dissipate
  • distribute
  • employ
  • finish
  • foot the bill
  • fork out
  • give
  • go through
  • lay out
  • outlay
  • pay
  • pay out
  • put out
  • shell out
  • accomplishment
  • adventure
  • attainment
  • coup
  • deed
  • do
  • effort
  • enterprise
  • escapade
  • feat
  • job
  • maneuver
  • performance
  • stroke
  • stunt
  • tour de force
  • venture
  • accept
  • adopt
  • apply
  • avail oneself of
  • bestow
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • capitalize
  • control
  • do with
  • draw on
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • exploit
  • govern
  • handle
  • make do with
  • administer
  • assume command
  • be in power
  • be in the driver's seat
  • call the shots
  • call the signals
  • captain
  • carry out
  • command
  • conduct
  • control
  • dictate
  • direct
  • execute
  • exercise authority
  • guide
  • head
  • head up
  • hold dominion
  • hold office
  • arm
  • bail
  • crank
  • ear
  • grasp
  • haft
  • handgrip
  • helve
  • hilt
  • hold
  • holder
  • knob
  • shaft
  • stem
  • stock
  • tiller
  • accept
  • adopt
  • apply
  • avail oneself of
  • bestow
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • capitalize
  • control
  • do with
  • draw on
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • exploit
  • find a use
  • govern
  • handle
  • be happy
  • delight
  • experience
  • flourish
  • love
  • luxuriate
  • prosper
  • relish
  • savor
  • take pleasure
  • thrive
  • accept
  • adopt
  • apply
  • avail oneself of
  • bestow
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • capitalize
  • control
  • do with
  • draw on
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • exploit
  • find a use
  • govern
  • handle
  • administer
  • advocate
  • boss
  • call the shots
  • call upon
  • captain
  • care for
  • carry on
  • command
  • concert
  • conduct
  • counsel
  • designate
  • direct
  • disburse
  • dominate
  • engage in
  • engineer
  • execute
  • govern
  • employ
  • feel
  • finger
  • form
  • manage
  • mold
  • operate
  • ply
  • shape
  • swing
  • thumb
  • use
  • wield
  • work
  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • act
  • act on
  • advance
  • be in action
  • behave
  • bend
  • benefit
  • bring about
  • burn
  • carry on
  • click
  • compel
  • complete
  • concern
  • conduct
  • contact
  • contrive
  • convey
  • ball
  • burlesque
  • camp
  • chaffing
  • comic drama
  • comicality
  • comicalness
  • drollery
  • drollness
  • facetiousness
  • farce
  • field day
  • fun
  • fun and games
  • funnies
  • funniness
  • gag show
  • grins
  • high camp
  • high time
  • carry on
  • dispense
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • follow
  • function
  • handle
  • maneuver
  • manipulate
  • practice
  • pursue
  • put out
  • swing
  • throw
  • utilize
  • wield
  • convenance
  • convention
  • custom
  • fashion
  • form
  • habit
  • habitude
  • manner
  • method
  • mode
  • praxis
  • proceeding
  • process
  • rule
  • system
  • tradition
  • trick
  • usage
  • use
  • usefulness
  • admit
  • appoint
  • assign
  • attract
  • call to arms
  • call up
  • conscribe
  • conscript
  • draft
  • embody
  • employ
  • engage
  • enroll
  • enter
  • enter into
  • gather
  • get
  • hire
  • hitch
  • incorporate
  • apply
  • apply oneself
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • dig
  • employ
  • endeavor
  • exercise
  • expend
  • give all one's got
  • give best shot
  • labor
  • make effort
  • peg away
  • plug
  • ply
  • pour it on
  • push
  • put out
  • strain
  • accept
  • adopt
  • apply
  • avail oneself of
  • bestow
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • capitalize
  • control
  • do with
  • draw on
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • exploit
  • find a use
  • govern
  • handle
  • absorb
  • apply
  • avail oneself of
  • deplete
  • devour
  • dissipate
  • dominate
  • drain
  • drivel
  • eat up
  • employ
  • engross
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • finish
  • finish up
  • fritter away
  • frivol away
  • go
  • go through
  • add to payroll
  • appoint
  • authorize
  • book
  • bring in
  • bring on board
  • carry
  • charter
  • contract for
  • delegate
  • draft
  • employ
  • empower
  • engage
  • enlist
  • exploit
  • fill a position
  • find help
  • give a break
  • give job to
  • adapt
  • adjust
  • administer
  • allocate
  • arrange
  • balance
  • classify
  • conduct
  • control
  • coordinate
  • correct
  • determine
  • direct
  • dispose
  • fit
  • fix
  • govern
  • guide
  • handle
  • improve
  • break a story
  • chronicle
  • clue one in
  • depict
  • describe
  • detail
  • disclose
  • divulge
  • express
  • get off one's chest
  • give the word
  • impart
  • itemize
  • lay it on the line
  • let one's hair down
  • narrate
  • particularize
  • picture
  • present
  • recite
  • amble
  • bound
  • break
  • canter
  • dart
  • dash
  • drop
  • escape
  • fall
  • flight
  • gallop
  • jog
  • lope
  • pace
  • race
  • rush
  • scamper
  • scuttle
  • spring
  • sprint
  • blow
  • consume
  • dissipate
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • finish
  • fritter away
  • lose
  • spend
  • squander
  • throw away
  • wash up
  • actify
  • actuate
  • arouse
  • call up
  • energize
  • impel
  • mobilize
  • motivate
  • move
  • prompt
  • propel
  • rouse
  • start
  • stimulate
  • stir
  • switch on
  • take out of mothballs
  • trigger
  • turn on
  • absorb
  • allocate
  • ante up
  • apply
  • bestow
  • blow
  • cast away
  • come across
  • come through
  • concentrate
  • confer
  • consume
  • contribute
  • cough up
  • defray
  • deplete
  • disburse
  • dispense
  • dissipate
  • donate
  • exploit
  • milk
  • step on
  • use
  • use for one's own ends
  • accept
  • adopt
  • apply
  • avail oneself of
  • bestow
  • bring into play
  • bring to bear
  • capitalize
  • control
  • do with
  • draw on
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • exhaust
  • expend
  • exploit
  • find a use
  • govern
  • handle
  • advance
  • apply
  • appropriate
  • avail oneself of
  • bestow
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exploit
  • forward
  • further
  • handle
  • have recourse to
  • profit by
  • promote
  • put to use
  • resort to
  • take advantage of
  • turn to account
  • use
  • decay
  • desolation
  • destruction
  • devastation
  • dilapidation
  • dissipation
  • disuse
  • exhaustion
  • expenditure
  • extravagance
  • fritter
  • havoc
  • improvidence
  • lavishness
  • loss
  • lost opportunity
  • misapplication
  • misuse
  • overdoing
  • prodigality
  • apply
  • brandish
  • command
  • conduct
  • employ
  • exercise
  • exert
  • flourish
  • handle
  • have
  • have at one's disposal
  • hold
  • maintain
  • make use of
  • manage
  • maneuver
  • manipulate
  • operate
  • ply
  • possess
  • assignment
  • attempt
  • commission
  • daily grind
  • drudge
  • drudgery
  • effort
  • elbow grease
  • endeavor
  • exertion
  • functioning
  • grind
  • grindstone
  • industry
  • job
  • moil
  • muscle
  • obligation
  • pains
  • performance

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