Past Tenses
website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations

putting a whammy on synonyms

Trying to find another word for putting a whammy on in English? No problem. Our thesaurus contains synonyms of putting a whammy on in 51 different contexts. We have listed all the similar and related words for putting a whammy on alphabetically.

  • corruption
  • crime
  • debasement
  • delinquency
  • desecration
  • exploitation
  • fault
  • injustice
  • misapplication
  • misconduct
  • misdeed
  • mishandling
  • mismanage
  • misuse
  • offense
  • perversion
  • prostitution
  • sin
  • wrong
  • wrongdoing
  • blacken
  • cast aspersions on
  • defame
  • detract
  • disparage
  • malign
  • slander
  • slur
  • smear
  • tear down
  • vilify
  • abuse
  • assault
  • bash
  • berate
  • beset
  • blast
  • blister
  • bust
  • charge
  • come at
  • criticize
  • encounter
  • have at
  • impugn
  • invade
  • lambaste
  • lay into
  • malign
  • maltreat
  • molest
  • advance
  • aggression
  • assailing
  • assailment
  • barrage
  • blitz
  • blitzkrieg
  • charge
  • defilement
  • dirty deed
  • drive
  • encounter
  • encroachment
  • foray
  • incursion
  • initiative
  • inroad
  • intervention
  • intrusion
  • invasion
  • belittle
  • criticize
  • cut down to size
  • dis
  • disparage
  • dump on
  • find fault
  • knock
  • malign
  • mudsling
  • pan
  • pooh pooh
  • put down
  • rap
  • rip
  • roast
  • run down
  • slam
  • slander
  • take a dig at
  • bawl out
  • blister
  • call down
  • castigate
  • censure
  • chew
  • chew out
  • chide
  • cuss out
  • eat out
  • give one hell
  • give what for
  • jaw
  • jump all over
  • rail at
  • rake over the coals
  • rate
  • rebuke
  • reprimand
  • reproach
  • abscess
  • blain
  • bleb
  • boil
  • bubble
  • bulla
  • burn
  • canker
  • carbuncle
  • cyst
  • furuncle
  • pimple
  • pustule
  • sac
  • sore
  • ulcer
  • vesication
  • vesicle
  • wale
  • weal
  • advise
  • berate
  • call on the carpet
  • censure
  • check
  • chide
  • come down hard on
  • counsel
  • ding
  • draw the line
  • enjoin
  • exhort
  • forewarn
  • give a going over
  • give a piece of one's mind
  • glue
  • growl
  • hoist
  • jack up
  • notice
  • abuse
  • asperse
  • assail
  • attack
  • bad-mouth
  • berate
  • blister
  • call down
  • censure
  • curse
  • cuss
  • damn
  • debase
  • decry
  • defame
  • denigrate
  • denounce
  • dig
  • disparage
  • dress down
  • admonishment
  • admonition
  • blame
  • castigation
  • condemnation
  • disapproval
  • dressing down
  • objection
  • obloquy
  • rebuke
  • remonstrance
  • reprehension
  • reprimand
  • reproach
  • reproof
  • stricture
  • anathema
  • ban
  • bane
  • blaspheming
  • blasphemy
  • commination
  • cursing
  • cuss word
  • cussing
  • damning
  • denunciation
  • dirty name
  • dirty word
  • double whammy
  • execration
  • expletive
  • four-letter word
  • fulmination
  • imprecation
  • malediction
  • blasphemy
  • curse
  • cussword
  • expletive
  • four-letter word
  • obscenity
  • abuse
  • anathematize
  • attack
  • ban
  • banish
  • blaspheme
  • blast
  • cast out
  • castigate
  • censure
  • complain of
  • confound
  • convict
  • criticize
  • cry down
  • curse
  • cuss
  • darn
  • denunciate
  • doom
  • abase
  • bemean
  • cast down
  • cheapen
  • corrupt
  • cripple
  • debauch
  • debilitate
  • demean
  • demoralize
  • deprave
  • devaluate
  • devalue
  • disable
  • disgrace
  • dishonor
  • drag down
  • dump on
  • enfeeble
  • fluff off
  • abuse
  • asperse
  • bad-mouth
  • belittle
  • calumniate
  • censure
  • condemn
  • cry down
  • defame
  • denounce
  • depreciate
  • derogate
  • detract
  • devalue
  • diminish
  • discount
  • discredit
  • disgrace
  • disparage
  • do a number on
  • asperse
  • bad-mouth
  • belie
  • besmirch
  • blacken
  • blister
  • calumniate
  • cast aspersions on
  • cast slur on
  • denigrate
  • detract
  • discredit
  • disgrace
  • dishonor
  • disparage
  • do a number on
  • knock
  • malign
  • pan
  • put zingers on
  • asperse
  • bad mouth
  • besmirch
  • blacken
  • blister
  • calumniate
  • decry
  • defame
  • dis
  • disparage
  • give black eye
  • impugn
  • knock
  • libel
  • mudsling
  • put down
  • revile
  • rip up
  • roast
  • run down
  • accuse
  • adjudicate
  • arraign
  • blacklist
  • blame
  • boycott
  • brand
  • castigate
  • censure
  • charge
  • charge with
  • criticize
  • damn
  • declaim
  • decry
  • denunciate
  • derogate
  • dress down
  • excoriate
  • expose
  • crack
  • cut
  • cutting remark
  • gibe
  • innuendo
  • jeer
  • quip
  • slur
  • sneer
  • taunt
  • wisecrack
  • abuse
  • belittle
  • chill
  • cry down
  • decry
  • defame
  • degrade
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • denigrate
  • deprecate
  • depreciate
  • deride
  • derogate
  • dis
  • discourage
  • discredit
  • disdain
  • dishearten
  • dismiss
  • bawl out
  • berate
  • carpet
  • castigate
  • censure
  • chew out
  • lash
  • rail
  • rake over coals
  • ream
  • rebuke
  • reprimand
  • reprove
  • tear into
  • tell off
  • tongue-lash
  • upbraid
  • backbite
  • bad-mouth
  • bash
  • belittle
  • berate
  • blow off
  • calumniate
  • cap
  • castigate
  • cuss out
  • cut down
  • cut to the quick
  • decry
  • defame
  • derogate
  • discount
  • do a number on
  • give a black eye
  • hurl brickbat
  • insult
  • backbite
  • bad-mouth
  • bash
  • belittle
  • berate
  • blow off
  • calumniate
  • cap
  • castigate
  • cuss out
  • cut down
  • cut to the quick
  • decry
  • defame
  • derogate
  • discount
  • do a number on
  • dump on
  • hurl brickbat
  • insult
  • black magic
  • charm
  • enchantment
  • evil eye
  • hex
  • hoodoo
  • kiss of death
  • nemesis
  • plague
  • spell
  • voodoo
  • beating
  • blow
  • box
  • clip
  • conk
  • cuff
  • hammering
  • hit
  • injury
  • lick
  • rap
  • slap
  • smack
  • swat
  • swipe
  • thump
  • whack
  • aspersion
  • calumny
  • defamation
  • denigration
  • lying
  • malicious
  • obloquy
  • smear
  • vituperation
  • antagonistic
  • antipathetic
  • bad
  • baleful
  • baneful
  • deleterious
  • despiteful
  • destructive
  • detrimental
  • evil
  • harmful
  • hateful
  • hostile
  • inimical
  • malefic
  • maleficent
  • malevolent
  • malignant
  • noxious
  • pernicious
  • abuse
  • backbite
  • bash
  • brutalize
  • bung up
  • chop
  • do wrong
  • dump on
  • give black eye
  • handle roughly
  • harm
  • injure
  • kick around
  • knock around
  • maltreat
  • maul
  • mess up
  • misuse
  • molest
  • outrage
  • belittle
  • criticize
  • cut down to size
  • dis
  • disparage
  • dump on
  • find fault
  • knock
  • malign
  • pan
  • pooh pooh
  • put down
  • rap
  • rip
  • roast
  • run down
  • slam
  • slander
  • take a dig at
  • take down a peg
  • bucket
  • casserole
  • double boiler
  • frying pan
  • kettle
  • pail
  • pannikin
  • pot
  • roaster
  • saucepan
  • sheet
  • skillet
  • vessel
  • bucket
  • casserole
  • double boiler
  • frying pan
  • kettle
  • pail
  • pannikin
  • pot
  • roaster
  • saucepan
  • sheet
  • skillet
  • vessel
  • abuse
  • asperse
  • assail
  • attack
  • bad-mouth
  • berate
  • blister
  • call down
  • caluminate
  • censure
  • curse
  • cuss
  • damn
  • debase
  • decry
  • defame
  • denigrate
  • denounce
  • dig
  • disparage
  • enter
  • inscribe
  • jot down
  • log
  • record
  • set down
  • take down
  • transcribe
  • write down
  • backbite
  • bad-mouth
  • bash
  • belittle
  • berate
  • blow off
  • calumniate
  • cap
  • castigate
  • cuss out
  • cut down
  • cut to the quick
  • decry
  • defame
  • derogate
  • discount
  • do a number on
  • dump on
  • give a black eye
  • hurl brickbat
  • beat
  • blow
  • conk
  • crack
  • knock
  • lick
  • pat
  • strike
  • swat
  • swipe
  • tap
  • whack
  • abuse
  • admonish
  • berate
  • blame
  • castigate
  • censure
  • chide
  • criticize
  • denigrate
  • denounce
  • disparage
  • give a talking to
  • lambaste
  • lay down the law
  • lecture
  • rake over the coals
  • ream
  • reprimand
  • reproach
  • reprobate
  • backbite
  • bad-mouth
  • bash
  • belittle
  • berate
  • blow off
  • calumniate
  • cap
  • castigate
  • cuss out
  • cut down
  • cut to the quick
  • decry
  • defame
  • derogate
  • discount
  • do a number on
  • dump on
  • give a black eye
  • hurl brickbat
  • lambaste
  • lampoon
  • razz
  • ridicule
  • belittle
  • criticize
  • decry
  • defame
  • denigrate
  • depreciate
  • derogate
  • detract
  • diminish
  • disparage
  • dispraise
  • downcry
  • knock
  • make fun of
  • opprobriate
  • revile
  • speak ill of
  • vilify
  • bake
  • blacken
  • blister
  • broil
  • char
  • cook
  • melt
  • parch
  • roast
  • scald
  • sear
  • seethe
  • shrivel
  • simmer
  • singe
  • stale
  • stew
  • swelter
  • wither
  • animadvert on
  • bash
  • blame
  • blast
  • blister
  • carp
  • castigate
  • censure
  • chastise
  • chide
  • clobber
  • come down on
  • condemn
  • cut down
  • cut to bits
  • cut up
  • denounce
  • denunciate
  • disparage
  • do a number on
  • bang
  • bash
  • blast
  • blow
  • boom
  • burst
  • clap
  • crack
  • crash
  • ding
  • pound
  • smack
  • smash
  • whack
  • wham
  • aspersion
  • backbiting
  • backstabbing
  • belittlement
  • black eye
  • calumny
  • defamation
  • depreciation
  • detraction
  • dirt
  • dirty linen
  • disparagement
  • hit
  • libel
  • lie
  • misrepresentation
  • muckraking
  • mud
  • mud-slinging
  • obloquy
  • accusation
  • affront
  • animadversion
  • aspersion
  • bar sinister
  • black eye
  • blemish
  • blot
  • blur
  • brand
  • brickbat
  • calumny
  • dirty dig
  • discredit
  • disgrace
  • dump
  • expose
  • exposé
  • hit
  • innuendo
  • apply
  • bedaub
  • besmirch
  • blur
  • coat
  • cover
  • dab
  • daub
  • defile
  • dirty
  • discolor
  • overlay
  • overspread
  • patch
  • plaster
  • slop
  • smudge
  • soil
  • spatter
  • spray
  • abuse
  • accuse
  • asperse
  • backbite
  • bad-mouth
  • befoul
  • besmirch
  • bespatter
  • blacken
  • calumniate
  • cast aspersion
  • curse
  • decry
  • defile
  • denigrate
  • depreciate
  • derogate
  • detract
  • dirty
  • disparage
  • annihilate
  • bulldoze
  • crush
  • decimate
  • devastate
  • devour
  • dilapidate
  • disassemble
  • dismantle
  • flatten
  • knock down
  • level
  • obliterate
  • pulverize
  • ruin
  • smash
  • take apart
  • total
  • trash
  • wipe off the map
  • buckle down
  • deal with
  • dive into
  • plunge into
  • set to
  • start in on
  • tackle
  • take up
  • calumniate
  • defame
  • denigrate
  • disgrace
  • malign
  • slander
  • slur
  • smear
  • vilify
  • abuse
  • accuse
  • asperse
  • bark at
  • bawl out
  • berate
  • blame
  • calumniate
  • castigate
  • censure
  • chew out
  • condemn
  • curse
  • denounce
  • find fault
  • growl
  • insult
  • lambaste
  • lash
  • malign
  • abracadabra
  • alchemy
  • black art
  • charm
  • conjuring
  • devilry
  • divination
  • enchantment
  • evil eye
  • hocus-pocus
  • hoodoo
  • jinx
  • mumbo jumbo
  • necromancy
  • obeah
  • obi
  • sorcery
  • spell
  • witchcraft
  • witchery

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